Sleeping on a bed is not just about summer, which can be maximized by choosing a good bed for yourself. The fact that Prince William and Princess Kate have reportedly each chosen a separate bedroom with attention to detail may benefit the Princess of Wales's health throughout the year.
According to sleep experts at Loughborough University, women have more 'complex' brains than men and require up to 20 minutes more sleep - suggesting Princess Kate may need extra sleep, giving her more sleep than men. You can quickly get relief from being harassed by your husband.
The royal discussed needing tips to cope with stress last week, and she's also opened up about her struggles with sleep, so we're hoping she's been able to get all the sleep she can during this time.S
eparate beds are sometimes thought of as a recipe for trouble in a marriage, but relationship expert and co-founder of So Synced dating app Jessica Alderson says that's far from the truth. According to her, "Sleeping in separate beds as a couple can be a liberating experience and allows each person to do the same.She says, "When couples have separate beds, they can make their own choices regarding sleeping habits, such as preferences about temperature, bedding, and sleep routines. This can lead to better sleep for both people." "which can have a positive impact on all areas of their lives, including the quality of their relationships."