# New Delhi. ChatGPT is being discussed a lot these days. People are actively participating in the use of this new technology. But people should also be cautious about the use of ChatGPT. Otherwise you may get a shock of 440 watts. Please tell that many types of experiments are being done regarding ChatGPT. Experts have already warned about the use of technology like ChatGPT. However, in the meantime, such a case has come to the fore, which has raised the concerns of the people.
# Leaked user data In fact, in a blog post by Open AI, Guy told that ChatGPT leaked the credit card details of the users. This happened because of a bug. Although the company says that the bug has been fixed. Due to this bug, some users' credit card details such as name, email address and card expiry date were visible. company'sIt has to be said that the number of users whose details have been leaked is very less. But such incidents have definitely raised the concerns of the people. By the way, the users whose data has been leaked, the company has given information about the data leak to all those users.
@What to do
According to experts, there are many size effects of using artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT. In such a situation, users should use tools like JetGPT carefully. Also things like financial transactions should be kept away from ChatGPT. Tools like ChatGPT are still in their nascent stage with many innovations being done, so till ChatGPT becomes full proof secure, there is a need to be cautious about its use.